Oct 15th Fast Times at Farmington will still be on with Show and Swap meet as usual. 

I wanted to get with everyone on the status of our series for 2023.

We weren’t able to race at Farmington in May due to track upgrades, then our next date was Drag Night and mother nature won there. 

Many of you were able to make the trip to the VW Nationals in MD in August, but coming in to what would be our finals, well just don’t think Farmington will be ready.  They have found the issue with the soil finally, but now they have several bids in for a contractor. This will be a very expensive for them, but they are all in on getting it done so Farmington Dragway can continue for years to come. This info comes directly from the track.

When they do find a contractor, they will have to get on their schedule, so we would be cutting it close or not at all on the track being ready. So, with that in mind, we will just extend our points into the 2024 season. If you collected points at Drag Night and VW Nationals, you will keep those going into 2024. We will not have any extra points for attending all races, like we usually do, just because of this. All members for this year, there is not too many, but their 2024-member fee will be waved.

Going into 2024, we will once again have May & Oct at Farmington, July Drag Night and August VW Nationals.  My Family and I aren’t looking to get any other drag racing events started in the Southeast, we already have a full plate, not to mention our regular jobs and family life. 

I know many of you would like more races for VWs, Maybe someone can take charge to contact tracks about adding our VW classes to an already existing race program. If that was to happen, we would need to get extra sponsors to come up with a purse for those races. It would take some work, but could happen. 

I just wanted to be very transparent with all of you with all of this going on.

If you have any suggestions or concerns, please speak up.

Thank you for your time and support with SEVWA and the events.

Kathy Jacobs & Family 

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