SEVWA 2025 Points Series Schedule
* Note, this list of events is just the dates for our drag racing series. Check out our schedule flyer in green for the full list of Southeast Euro events.**….

Merchandise clean out!
Merchandise clean out!More to come, stay tuned!LOGO CAPS! Limited quantities of our popular caps with 4 different logos. $31 each shipped SEVWAhttps://south-east-euro-motorsports.myshopify.com/products/sevwa-southeast-euro-ball-caps Eurofest Maggie Valleyhttps://south-east-euro-motorsports.myshopify.com/products/eurofest-maggie-valley-logo-ball-caps Southeast Euro logohttps://south-east-euro-motorsports.myshopify.com/products/southeast-euro-ball-caps

The Official Fast Times at Farmington video is here
The Official Fast Times at Farmington video is here!Did you miss the event? We had a spectacular turnout! .Special Thanks to Robust Media for capturing all the aspects of the…

WNC Fundrasier at Fast Times at Farmington update
We would like to thank each and every one of you who provided towards our fundraiser at the event. You are helping make lives a little better to areas that…

Fast Times at Farmington Event photos are live!
Just head over to our website and then to event results..Thanks Niki Mendez Imagery for capturing all these special moments from the event!Event video is up next from Robust Media,…

Congratulations to our 2024 SEVWA Champions!
SUPER PRO WINNER: Tim Norwood RUNNER-UP: Scotty Widner THIRD: Bryant McKean PRO WINNER: Tony Miller RUNNER-UP: Jay Cole THIRD: Rick Laws I will be getting with those i didn’t talk…

Fast Times at Farmington was amazing!
We had a gourgous weekend for the event. You could not have asked for better weather! Many of you came on out during setup on Saturday for camping, dropping off…

Schedule for Fast Times at Farmington
Schedule for Fast Times at Farmington Below is basic info for the event. – Saturday Oct 19th setup times 4-10pm Camping, swap meet setup & trailer drop off. We will…

Disaster Relief at Fast Times at Farmington
We have been talking to various enthusiasts who have been going into the areas and delivering supplies and want to help these folks keep it going. They still need more…